Frauen Bilder at Ravensbrück Women's Camp

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A special exhibition of ten photographs of former Ravensbrück Camp prisoners. The oversized photographs are installed on the former roll call grounds of the camp. The installation runs from April 15 through October, 2000.
Concept & Realization: Planungsgruppe Frauengold / Kristin-Susanne Häselhoff (Düsseldorf) und Christina Reinhold-Häbich (Berlin)
Photos: Loretta Walz und Heinz Heuschkel
Photo Developing: Martin Reinhold (Köln / Berlin)
Graphics: jp3, Atelier für Gestaltung (Berlin)

Agnes Bartha of Hungary.
Anika Bremell of Sweden.
Kató Gyulai of Hungary.
Ludmilla Woloschima Makarowa of Russia.
Dr. Wanda Poltawska of Poland.
Violette Rougier-Lecoq of France.
Hermine Schmidt of Germany.
Gräfin Maria Platz Skassa of Poland.
Schwester Theodolinde of Germany.
Lidia Vago of Israel.

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Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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